Smart document generation
Create your personalised documents in record time
Create all your documents in just a few simple steps…
1. Design dynamic document and email templates
Design dynamic, highly personalised business documents using intuitive WYSIWYG template design. Anyone with word processing skills can design a template, for both standard document formats and responsive HTML emails. Once mapped, variables, conditions, business rules and other logical elements can be integrated into the template using user-friendly interfaces and wizards.
2. Integrate your data
All available data is automatically linked to the right model. This means you can use the information contained in your CRM, ERP, online forms or e-commerce systems to create contracts, marketing communications and so on. This is done through an automated process, tailored to your needs.
3. Generate your intelligent documents
Once the data has been integrated, your documents will be automatically generated in the background without any manual interaction.
4. Display, send and sign
Generated Smart Documents can be instantly displayed for approval, emailed or digitally signed with the Nitro eSign solution. This allows you to reduce customer acquisition and processing time.
Simple steps
Create, send and sign all your documents in just a few simple steps.